Isaiah 9:6; Luke 2:11
For unto us…you…a child, a son, a Savior…is born.
The prophet Isaiah pulled the curtain of heaven back and gave a glimpse of what was to come. Luke wrote of the event being fulfilled, though if we look closely, we see the progression of the person we need to be because Jesus came. It’s interesting that God used the most fallen creation in the universe to bring Himself into the earth, a corrupt fleshly human that needed saving, yet she became the vehicle that carried and delivered perfected grace to fallen man.
For unto…which really means, because of. Because of what? Because of our inability to rise above our corrupt nature. Because He needed to keep us from utter destruction, so, He came. Isaiah said He came unto us, the collective whole. Luke personalized it and said, unto you. Jesus came for us, individually, yet for all. He’s mine, but He’s for you, too. He meets my every need, yet He is here to meet yours right where you need Him the most. Jesus tailors His love to each of us singularly without skipping one subtle detail.
Then the two writers give us a plan for our lives in the identity of who came: a child, a son, and a Savior. A child, one that is birthed into a family. Whose family? Well, He became one of Adam’s kids, but being birthed here would only be the first step, we must be born again to become a son or daughter of the King. So, Isaiah identifies Jesus as the son, the one whose character testifies of who His Father really is. A son’s actions will tell the world who they belong to. Lastly, Luke tied it up neatly and declared Jesus as Savior. If we decide to follow the plan, we will see that this shell of clay will not be enough for eternity. The plan leads us, as sons and daughters, to take on the character of the Father and that it is only possible through the One sent to save us from ourselves. We need the Savior, the One born…unto us.
Rev. Susan Todd, Author
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